Category: Nostalgia

Episode 94: Sticking with the Stars You Know: Memory Bubbles, Persistent Nostalgia, and Dead Celebrities

This week Jonathan works through some ideas relating to the potential for “time travel” through the ability to live within memory bubbles thanks to curated content, persistent nostalgia thanks to certain business strategies, and the unexpected staying power of dead celebrities thanks to new fan work and the use of CGI.

Episode 92: Sports Docs and Binge Watching with Dr. Emil Steiner

This week Jonathan sits down with Rowan’s Dr. Emil Steiner to discuss his research on binge watching and how it connects to sports documentaries. If you’ve already listened to our episode (Ep. 90) on sports documentaries and nostalgia with Dr. Branden Buehler, then this will be the perfect companion episode. If you haven’t, that’s ok too since this is an excellent standalone episode and conversation about sports documentaries, sports fandom, why we watch what we watch the way that we watch it 😉 and also a little insight into how biography influences scholarship.

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